Trust Records at Rev Market

This past Saturday June 5th, Trust popped up at the Revelation Records market in Huntington Beach California. The all day event had DJ’s Atiba Jefferson and Sam Velde, performances by Sweet Soul and Popeye Volgelsang from Farside, as well Indecision, WAR, Powerline, Vegan tacos by Comal and more, it was a hoot! On site was the official Trust Juggler AKA Greg Bennick, our friend and true talent. The highlight was when the crowd directed him to juggle a machete, an apple and a globe. Attendees had the opportunity to take a photo of him in action, post it and tag #trustjuggler, the one lucky winner will receive the super rare gold variant of 7Seconds The Crew, only 100 of these exist.


Trust Juggler
