7Seconds Brian Walsby “Heartthrob” T Shirt

Trust Records has partnered with artist Brian Walsby to recreate a hand drawn t-shirt he made for Kevin in 1984. The t-shirt is available now for only 48 hours. Photograph of Kevin Seconds wearing the hand drawn Walsby creation by Joe Henderson.

"This story of this shirt was based on meeting up with 7 Seconds one day when they were staying at Shawn Stern’s swanky West Hollywood apartment before a show that evening. The year was 1984 I am pretty sure. I just decided to draw Kevin and Steve two quick shirts, both done really quickly with a permanent sharpie. They were silly but the two brothers wore the shirts that night. A lot of photos were taken of that Los Angeles show in question, and some of them ended up in an issue of the fanzine Ink Disease (who interviewed them that same day). Along the way the shirts seemed to be noticed by people, which led to this version of the shirt that I re drew really quick. I tried to think as little about it as possible, I didn’t want to make the idea look good, if you know what I mean."

- Brian Walsby
